Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Swineherd

You may or may not be interested, but the background to this short story is this: it's based on a dream that I had several years ago that I have always wanted to put into story form. As G.K. Chesterton said, the short story is like a dream--it is evocative, disoriented, and it ought to stick in your mind for days afterward.

As I reflected on the dream, the themes that it seemed to convey were the burden of leadership, the gravity of ending life, and the terrible moral significance of being human. These aren't necessarily the topics I know anything about, they're just the ones that seemed to show up unbidden in the dream.

Oh, and I know the words that the pig shouted at the swineherd, but they're too terrible to share.


Blogger Pirate Jimmy said...

Words do not have ambition, the power of words is entirely given to them by humanity.

10:59 PM  
Blogger Special K said...

Yup, that's why it's so much easier to swear in another language. The words are just sounds.

11:52 PM  
Blogger Pirate Jimmy said...


12:03 AM  
Blogger Special K said...

hey now, I didn't intend to condone any such usage of foreign languages, un-meaningful as they may seem!

10:16 PM  

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