Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I need to write something

for my creative writing group next Tuesday. I usually write better with an assignment, so here's the deal: give me a word that I have to use in my piece.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dictionary.com's word of the day is wan which means "pale; also, lacking vitality or intensity."

3:14 PM  
Blogger PopStar said...


6:50 PM  
Blogger PopStar said...

I like 'strangle'

~Dr. Cox

6:55 PM  
Blogger PopStar said...


8:02 PM  
Blogger Special K said...

"cagoule" While looking up burp in my english-spanish dictionary, I happened upon the word cagoule and I had no idea what it meant. So, I looked it up in another dictionary: lightweight parka; waterproof. It may be more commonly used in England than here, but you're supposed to be creative, no?

8:19 PM  
Blogger Special K said...

Another personal favorite that I learned in Spanish first is "to inculcate" (inculcar).

8:20 PM  
Blogger Pirate Jimmy said...

I used to like to fit the word "swell" in every paper I wrote. Now I like to create situations that justify, nay require, the use of a semi-colon.

9:44 AM  
Blogger Pirate Jimmy said...

The temperature outside is above 90 degrees fahrenheit; let's swim.

9:45 AM  
Blogger Special K said...

affable. Another one I learned from the spanish afable, but I feel like it's common enough I should have already known it!

6:42 PM  
Blogger Special K said...

Hopefully you've either procrastinated thus far or you can easily manage to incorporate this wonderful word:


p.s. are we all going to be able to read the final draft of this piece of work?

2:26 PM  

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