Tuesday, December 19, 2006

And now the thrilling conclusion...

Anyway, here's the end of my short story. You may want to re-read the rest of it below:

The squeals from the mud hole suddenly jumped in intensity. He scrambled to his feet and ran toward the knot of pigs. A few feet into the shallow puddle, one of them was being torn apart by several others; meanwhile, the rest of the herd kept pressing in to drink. The herder began driving them off, kicking the attackers and beating them with his rifle. All but one scattered; it was smaller than the others, but didn’t seem to care about the herder’s blows. It buried its face in the mangled body of its fellow.

Furious, the herder kicked it in the side of the head. It turned to him and squealed, higher in pitch than the others; and there, in that shriek, he heard human words:

“ __________________!”

He interrupted the horrible words with a yell of terror and began to club the small one with the butt of his rifle. Its squeals returned to wordless sounds and then fell silent.

The sun had gone below the horizon. The light was almost gone. He quickly began to sing the song, touching each pig with his rifle as he numbered it.


Blogger Pirate Jimmy said...

He's gone CRAZY!

12:55 PM  
Blogger Special K said...

I don't get it.

3:40 PM  
Blogger Pirate Jimmy said...


6:56 PM  

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