Monday, October 23, 2006

Happy Mole Day, Larry

At 6:02 this evening, I will be arriving at my Old Testament Poetry class, but I will pause to drink a sip of tea from my thermos in honor of the mole. Mr. Peterson has retired, but I'd like to think that today he'll put on his suit coat and attach stuffed moles to it with velcro, just like the old days.

Now, say it with me, dear old Avogadro's number:

"six point oh two times ten to the twenty-third"


Blogger Pirate Jimmy said...

Was he a chemistry teacher I assume then?

11:51 AM  
Blogger PopStar said...

you're such a nerd !

6:27 PM  
Blogger Special K said...

I actually forgot all about this fine day until my chemistry friend reminded me. I proceeded to sing her the mole day song and lament about how I could have been wearing my mole day tattoos! You're a better scientist than I today for remembering. Keep up the good work!

11:28 PM  
Blogger Chaka said...

Mr. Peterson was employed as a chemistry teacher, but his principal occupation was telling stories about growing up in rural South Dakota. His was the last chemistry class I took (10th grade--nine years ago), so I'm sure I'm not a better scientist than Special K.

9:51 AM  
Blogger PopStar said...

whY don't yoU two nerds, nerd it out ! to the nearest mole !

10:31 PM  
Blogger Special K said...

Wow! Ten point oh two times ten to the twenty-third nerds (hopefully strawberry and not that awful grape flavor) would be a whole lot of sugar! Should we compete to see how many we could eat before we passed out or started convulsing? Sadly, I think I'd win.

10:34 PM  
Blogger PopStar said...

yoU do in fact win ... in more ways than were original thought of by that response

5:46 PM  

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