Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Months go by, and this is all I've got:

Lilek's suggestions for an enhanced version of Star Trek TNG:

Also edit out any scenes in which Troi says “I feel,” Wesley says anything, or Worf gets beat up by someone who materializes on the bridge and knocks him into the corner. Just once he should have killed someone with a single blow. Just once. Oh, he would have got the big lecture from Captain Cranium - Misteh Wohff, we have lawrs about how we deeeel with unfahmiliah speecees - but it would have been worth it, just to know he was looking at the Captain, and thinking: dink.


Blogger Pirate Jimmy said...

Move over, Worf! RIKER was the man in TNG! He upheld the most kirk-like qualities of the officers, especially when it came to inter-species "relations."

7:06 PM  
Blogger PopStar said...

is that even possible ?

9:40 PM  

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