Monday, July 24, 2006

My boys

From Lileks' tour of Highway 10:

Someday these will be in my front lawn, if my wife has anything to say about it.


Blogger PopStar said...

id be more impressed if they were real

5:31 PM  
Blogger Chaka said...

I'm confused. You mean if the real wolves in the picture were not in a picture, but actually in your parent's basement?

10:47 PM  
Blogger PopStar said...

YES ! clearly !

6:13 PM  
Blogger Pirate Jimmy said...

victor hugo was a major influence on Fyodor's writings, supposedly.

12:29 AM  
Blogger Pirate Jimmy said...

I think I was inebriated when I wrote that last comment, but it is true.

9:21 PM  
Blogger Chaka said...

Brandon, I'd like to buy you a beer sometime. Why don't you come to Chicago and get it?

7:23 PM  
Blogger PopStar said...

they have beer in chicago ?

8:49 PM  
Blogger Chaka said...

Well, not by Milwaukee's standards ...

11:55 PM  
Blogger Pirate Jimmy said...

I'm in the "Milwaukee Sucks" facebook group.

4:05 PM  

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