Wednesday, June 14, 2006

This one's for Danger

From Lileks:

"Our personal car choices, of course, are beyond reproach. But it would be interesting to see if our friends and families would choose for us the car we wish to drive. I used to drive a Ford Probe, for example. I thought it gave me a certain dangerous Sonny Crockett bad-boy hip dark reputation. My wife later told me that she married me in spite of the car, which she associated with men whose gold medallions rested on a fluffy tuft of exposed chest hair. "


Blogger Special K said...

Interesting...I bet even strangers could match his photo with the car he'll most likely buy.

Just in--German Psych. Study:

Also in from Germany--second World Cup win, guaranteeing advancement to the second round.

11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, anonymous #1 is an idiot.

3:18 PM  
Blogger Pirate Jimmy said...


9:36 PM  

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