Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Greek New Testament audio

Here are some sites with the GNT read aloud:

Marilyn Phemeister's reading: Uses Westcott-Hort, distinct southern accent

Greek Latin Audio: Sounds like more of a classical pronounciation than Koine--a bit hard to follow for beginners. The reader is talented, though--smooth pronunciation of Latin, Greek, and Hebrew availible on the site.

Jonathan Pennington: you have to pay for this one. Selected readings.

Why do they sound so different? Delve if you dare into the debate:

Pronounciation Guide: Fascinating for phonologists; four major ways to pronounce Greek, with audio files. HT: Susan Jeffers.


Blogger PopStar said...

when i was just two years old
i left my lips out in the cold

8:53 PM  

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