Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Utterly unoriginal

Ok, you've probably figured out by now that the inspiration for my posts are all derived from other people's writing, but Brandon's post about Han Solo prompts me to note a few things.

1) My dad is Han Solo

2) The entire prequel trilogy could have been saved for me if Han Solo had somehow been included. Put his dad in--you did it with Fett. Put him in as a shoot-first-and-leave-your-money-on-the-table toddler. I don't care how, but get him in there. But Lucas refused. Why? Because he hates Han Solo. And us.

3) I've got to go now but my biggest Jeremiad is yet to come.


Blogger Pirate Jimmy said...

I can't wait!

6:32 PM  
Blogger PopStar said...

oh - yoU can, and yoU will !

7:53 PM  

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