Thursday, April 27, 2006

Taking it easy

So I'm on day eight of the ever-popular spring cold. I have lost my voice and am running a low fever. One of the high schoolers at the tutoring program suggested I take tomorrow off. Yeah right, I thought I can't take a day off. I am far too indispensible to all those people who depend on me my homework. Sometimes I forget that I actually do have a choice whether or not to do my homework, whether to stick to or change my schedule. So tonight and tomorrow, I gave myself permission to take time off. Responsible Chaka (make that scared-of-getting-a-B Chaka) doesn't think I should be here right now, but Chillin' Chaka is enjoying himself this evening.

Ok, and doing a little homework.


Blogger Pirate Jimmy said...

B's get degrees!

12:51 AM  
Blogger Special K said...

but A's get high distinction.

I feel your pain, there, buddy. I'm fighting the same battle, just as I have been my whole life.

6:41 PM  

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