Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Anatoly Lieberman

brandon has alerted me to the discussion over the word "truthiness." I've posted some thoughts on askchaka that you can check out. It was exciting to see Professor Anatoly Lieberman cited in the Wikipedia article on "truthiness." I took "The History of English Words" with him my last semester at the U of M. I was already fascinated by word origins and annoyed by folk (read "false") etymologies; he gave me the tools I needed to do good etymology. He's the reason the massive New Century Dictionary is on my shelf ($4 at a Library booksale--they didn't know what they had). I came across his final exam a couple weeks ago as I was digging through some notes. He of course instructed us to meticulously proof-read our papers (both on the screen and on paper). He also mentioned that in the future, if we needed any advising, he would be glad to speak with us. Unlike a good many scholars, especially at a research university like the U, Lieberman really is a teacher.

In a strange way, I am in Bannockburn because of the advice he gave me. But, I'm sorry, I still haven't learned German, Professor.


Blogger PopStar said...

Happy is a yuppie word

9:53 PM  

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