Sunday, April 23, 2006

Getting back into the swing

Well, it's about time I posted something else out here, no? I'm happy to see I've had three visitors since last time. I actually have been to Skittles and Combos, and I've never seen or heard so much Linus-generated content in one place. If I can figure out how, I'll post a link to it. (Special K, brandon, you have you're own blogs as well, presumably?) You visit my blog, I'll visit you'res (Or should that be yoUrs? Linus?).

I was happy to discover that I actually do have a subscription to the OED online through my school, so I don't have to spend the $40 on an alumni membership at the U of M in order to get it. Of course, all you're questions on askchaka can be answered through this portal of knowledge, so the askchaka site is really superflouous, but aren't we all?

Update: unless Special K is an old man really into the space program, she doesn't seem to have her own blog. I guess that means I can't scour it for typographical errors. Darn.

Question for Linus: are you going to make me a team member of askchaka so I can publish my own posts, or what? Is my role restricted to the comments pages?


Blogger PopStar said...

oh sorry, i didn't know !

9:36 PM  
Blogger Pirate Jimmy said...


By the way, don't even bother checking my site for typographical, or even grammatical, errors. I don't make any errors.

10:39 AM  

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